One of my favorite shows as a teenager was Mystery Science Theater 3000, a two-hour long program featuring a guy and his two friends who happen to be robots. These individuals mock (or "riff") bad sci-fi movies. It's been slightly over ten years since the series ended for good in 1999, running from 1989 to 1999.
My reason for commenting on it was that I happened upon some YouTube clips of Star Wars movies being mercifully torn to pieces by the voices of MST3K via RiffTrax (the guys from MST3K riff popular films).
There are so many films out there that I would love to see torn to bits not just by Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett, but as Mike (and maybe Joel Hodges), Crow T. Robot, and Tom Servo. It would be nice if Comedy Central picked up MST3K reruns considering that it used to show MST3K several years ago. Even several years back, the Sci-Fi channel aired the show and I still have dreams about watching it on Saturday mornings from 8-10 am. Oh well; one can dream, right?
On an unrelated note, I kept telling myself this evening to work on my character sketches for my novel but once I got to the computer, I just wasn't in the mood to do anything except blog.
On an even more unrelated note, here's an interesting story from my childhood (brace yourselves, folks...there are plenty more in future blog entries) that emerged into my subconscious at work today. I remember it as a vivid blur (oxymoron, I know). I was four years old and attending Sunday School and I remember that it had just ended. I had one of my fingers in the doorway, or door jamb or whatever. A kid who was slightly younger than me then slammed the door on my little, four-year-old finger, thus breaking off my fingernail (gross, I know). Immediately after the accident, one word emerged forth from my vocal cords: "DAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYYYY!" In a split second, my dad then scooped me up into his arms, away from the situation at hand. I can't remember how long it took for my finger to heal, though.
Well, off to bed. Gotta get up early tomorrow. Fin.
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