I'm still at the beginning of William M. Thackeray's Vanity Fair and it is not your average Regency novel; it just keeps getting weirder and weirder....and funny, too, especially the part where Becky Sharp is forced to share a bed with one of Sir Pitt Crawley's female servants; the same bed where Crawley's wife had passed away. Lt. George Osborne is another story altogether. I also seem to notice a trend in Regency and Victorian literature; most men are named John, James, Thomas, Henry, George, Charles, Edward, Edmund, Robert, Roger, or William. For women, it's Jane, Emma, Emily, Anne, Elizabeth, Mary, Molly, Louisa, Julia, Susan, Charlotte, Catherine, Isabella, etc.
On an unrelated note, I was reminded this evening about a particular song in Sunday School that I had to sing. It was this song in particular:
If I listened to this song/video as a kid right now, it would've driven me insane (as an adult, I could only tolerate about 30 seconds of it). As we did the Father Abraham "dance," I had but one thought in my little elementary school age mind: since when was Abraham Lincoln in the Bible? For those reading this blog entry and grew up in Sunday School singing the "Father Abraham" song, what were your first impressions of it? Did you get the Biblical Abraham confused with our 16th president like I did? In a way, Father Abraham is the Christian version of the Hokey Pokey dance: right arm, left arm, chin up, spin around, shake it all about, turn yourself about, etc. Also, there was one song titled Fishers of Men and as a kid, I had no idea what being a "fisher of men" was.
I would love to continue the blog but I've got to be up early tomorrow for work. Fin.
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