Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Seriously, this has got to stop!

I hate it when I buy pants and they have about 45 different stickers and tags all over the stinkin' place.  Case in point: yesterday, I bought a new pair of black, boot cut jeans at Macy's (on sale, 25% off) and, in order for me to take them to the dry cleaners to have them tailored, I have to remove at least THREE stickers, one tag, and one stapled-on label that reads "tummy slimmer" or something to that effect.  Can't clothing companies have one label that says the size, type, and whether or not it's a "tummy slimmer?"  Reminds me of all the times that I got new clothes and each article of clothing had a sticker that said "inspected by #27" or something like that.  Seriously, this has got to stop. 

On an unrelated note, I personally believe that parody vocalist Jonathan Coulton (a.k.a "JoCo") should do a duet with Sir Mix-a-Lot with the latter's song Baby Got Back (JoCo did a parody cover of the same song as a love ballad rather than a rap song)  Kinda like the collaboration with B.o.B and Bruno Mars in Nothin' On You except with more nerdiness. 

On another unrelated note, I saw the film version of Water for Elephants yesterday.  While I liked the performances of Robert Pattinson and Christoph Waltz, Reese Witherspoon seems miscast as the abused wife of Waltz's character.  She looked a bit stiff and unemotional.  Actresses like Natalie Portman or Anne Hathaway would've been a better choice.  The movie was pretty much true to the book with some minor omissions. 

I am desparately trying to finish up Vanity Fair before the library due date (May 1st) and I don't know how many renewals I have left or if I have any left.  I'm not even halfway into the book, but the details are getting juicer and juicer.

Just recently, I've discovered the music of Mumford and Sons, a British folk band.  While I wasn't fond of their top song (on Amazon) Little Lion Man, I did like The Cave and it's been stuck on my head on repeat all day, despite my attempts at getting it out of my head.  Don't get me wrong, it's a great tune but not the kind I want stuck in my head.  I tried listening to Maroon 5's She Will Be Loved, Billy Joel's Piano Man and We Didn't Start the Fire, and Jack Johnson's Banana Pancakes but to no avail. 

Also, for those of you in a friendly mood, I would like to share a playlist I created called "Songs About Friendship."  If you have any songs that relate to friendship one way or another, feel free to add it and I might add it to my own playlist.  Bear in mind that my playlist is kinda short:

* Why Can't We Be Friends - War
* We Need Each Other - Sanctus Real
* You're My Best Friend - Queen
* How to Save a Life - The Fray (I kinda see this as a song about friendship because it's about helping out a friend)
* We're Going to Be Friends - The White Stripes

Before I end this blog entry, here's a funny "music video" featuring Jerry Reed's song Amos Moses using the game, World of Warcraft.  Enjoy.


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